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Repository of Research and Investigative Information

Zabol University of Medical Sciences

Comparison of analgesic and hemodynamic effects of intravenous ketorolac and morphine sulfate with morphine sulfate alone in patients undergoing simple abdominal surgery

(2021) Comparison of analgesic and hemodynamic effects of intravenous ketorolac and morphine sulfate with morphine sulfate alone in patients undergoing simple abdominal surgery. Medical Science. pp. 2635-2642. ISSN 2321-7359

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Introduction: Postoperative pain can cause short-term and even long-term complications. Therefore, the present study is aimed to compare the hemodynamic and analgesic effects of intravenous ketorolac and morphine sulfate with morphine sulfate alone in patients who were candidates for simple abdominal surgery. Materials and Methods: This dinical trial was performed on patients who were volunteers for a simple elective abdominal surgical procedure. Patients were separated to 2 main groups receiving ketorolac plus morphine sulfate, and morphine sulfate group alone. Hemodynamic variables and pain scores and influencing factors in both groups were examined during follow-up periods. Results: Mann-Whitney test revealed that there was not any significant difference between the two studied groups in terms of age, gender, marital status, economic status, employment status, medical history, and weight, systolic and diastolic pressure (P > 0.05). The mean pain score in the intravenous ketorolac group plus morphine sulfate was 28.12, while the median for the morphine sulfate group was significantly lower compared to the other studied groups 41.78. Also, the comparison of the mean pain intensity straightly, 2, 6, 12, and 24 hours after surgery in the patients of the two groups showed significant differences where the amount of pain in both groups was significantly reduced over time. Conclusion: Our findings revealed that intravenous ketorolac/morphine sulfate had a more preventive effect in reducing pain compared to morphine sulfate. The results of this study can be a guide to reduce complications and pain in patients undergoing simple abdominal surgery.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Pain Intravenous ketorolac Morphine sulfate Simple abdominal surgery Sedation pain-control paracetamol Research & Experimental Medicine
Page Range: pp. 2635-2642
Journal or Publication Title: Medical Science
Volume: 25
Number: 116
ISSN: 2321-7359
Depositing User: مهندس مهدی شریفی

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